Improving init workflow on Eclipse (was Re: Improving init workflow)

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at
Tue Jan 19 20:43:52 GMT 2010

> Sorry Timmie, I meant to reply to your email a while back.
No matter, I value your input & help.

> Why don't you simply push the new project?  E.g., 
> 1) create new Pydev project "newproject" in Eclipse
> 2) bzr init
> 3) bzr add
> 4) bzr push --remember s
> 5) bzr bind :push

Well, seem a better workflow, indeed.
Well, so far, I was working with bzr as if it was svn. Just because I
like the idea of having a "backup" on the central repository.
But recently, I've grown more accostumated to push&pull type of work.
Mostly because it's the way hg works.
(so many project use hg ...)

Thanks for the answer,

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