Feedback from evaluation in a corporate environment

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Jan 8 21:29:15 GMT 2010

On Fri, 2010-01-08 at 16:16 +0100, David Ingamells wrote:
> With minimum overhead "bzr checkout --lightweight" gives you a
> snapshot 
> of the working tree. If the majority of what you want to do with your 
> working tree does not involve bzr then there is no need to worry
> about 
> later bzr performance ;)

Could you give me some numbers please?

What network protocol (http/sftp/bzr*/ftp)?
What network latency to your server?
How many files in your tree?
How big is a working tree for your project (bzr checkout --lightweight
somewhere, then du -sh before doing anything else)?
How long does 'bzr checkout --lightweight NETWORKURL /tmp/time1' take? 
How long does 'bzr branch NETWORKURL /tmp/time2' take? 


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