[RFC] branch --bind

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Fri Jan 8 12:11:57 GMT 2010

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:

> In other words: parent is where I read from, bind target is where
> I publish my changes. For some workflows they are the same.

In nearly every project I work on (except bzr core), the only bound
branch I have is trunk. I branch from there, make changes, push to LP,
create a MP, etc. When it's time to land the changes, I merge from the
local feature branch to trunk and commit. All done. I find it a really
productive mix of central and distributed VC models.

Now if I'm using a "work" lightweight checkout instead of separate
working trees (something Explorer makes pretty easy to setup), "trunk"
is still a bound branch (but not a heavyweight checkout).

> And that is my main concern with --bind: it binds to the parent
> (without a way to change that decision)

If you want to bind elsewhere, use a separate command (like you must
now). If you bind to the parent and wish to change the location, just
use the bind command to change to the new location.

Ian C.

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