Verifying SVN import, migrating

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Dec 4 15:33:21 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Anteru wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using bzr locally against a SVN repository for quite some time now,
> and I'd like to fully migrate from SVN to bzr. Is there any built-in way
> to verify that the bzr import of a SVN repository contains really the
> full history? In my case, my local bzr repository is 20 revisions behind
> the SVN repository, and I'd like to check (preferably automatically)
> which revisions have been omitted (maybe it's just tags). I thought
> about checking out every single revision from SVN and the bzr import in
> turn, and compare them, but I wonder whether there is a better way.

I don't know of any specific way to do it. Though I would mention that
you could just do "bzr log" versus "svn log". They won't line up
perfectly, but it would probably be easier than doing a manual checkout
each time.

As for '20 revs behind', I would guess this is because of how bzr vs svn
handle 'merged' revisions. I don't know how you were using your
repository, but consider a case like:

 B |
 | |
 | C

In SVN, this would be:
 A 1, B 2, C 3, D 4
In bzr, it would be
 A 1, B 2, C 1.1.1, D 3

> Second question: The SVN repository contains lots of bzr: properties now
> as I committed from bzr to it. Is this going to cause trouble when doing
> a new bzr checkout for the final migration?
> Cheers,
>   Anteru

It will only cause problems if you somehow filter/mutate the svn
repository without getting rid of the bzr properties.

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