bzr-pipeline, installers and explorer

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Fri Nov 20 07:45:10 GMT 2009

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy writes:
>  > At last week's sprint, I finally had a chance to get my head around
>  > Aaron's bzr-pipeline plugin. It's *seriously* useful stuff
> So are looms.  I don't think it's a good idea to push pipelines
> without considering whether looms are going to be added.

I've used the loom plugin many times in the past so I'm pretty familiar
with it. It's great in a different way.

> I don't think that in the long run it's a great idea to have two very
> similar UIs with different underlying representations and separate
> command sets.

It might be nice to unify them down the track. Right now, their emphasis
is arguably different and the designs are optimised accordingly:

* loom is great for managing patches over an upstream
* pipeline is great for breaking a large change into logical pieces.

Either can be used with varying degrees of success for either task
though. As I spend nearly all of my time developing software rather than
packaging it, I find pipeline a better match for *my* needs.

Aaron has written up a more detailed comparison here:

Ian C.

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