api_minimum_version not been bumped.

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Sep 28 17:05:21 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Gary van der Merwe wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 5:12 PM, John Arbash Meinel
> <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
>> Deprecation does not cause an api version bump. *Removal* probably
>> would. At least, that is how I understood it.
>> Note that when running released versions of bzr, deprecation warnings
>> are suppressed. They are only shown when running rc's and dev versions
>> (IIRC). So that developers realize they should update, but users won't
>> be bothered.
> The change still results in us maintaining 2 code paths. I'm trying to
> remove such duplicated code paths from qbzr, and because there was no
> api version bump, I have to lump together 1.17, 1.18 and 2.0 together.
> This means I have to maintain this particular duplicated code path
> (luckily it quite small), as I would have otherwise made my min api
> version 1.18.
> Again there is nothing we can do now, just giving feedback.

Why do you need to use CLIUIFactory before it was deprecated? I'm mostly
asking to help shed light on how this sort of thing needs to be handled.

At least, from what I remember from Martin, it was duplicated with other
code. Though perhaps not before deprecation?

Getting feedback here is something that I think will help guide future
decisions about deprecations, etc.

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