List of required packages to get lp:bzr to make on OS X?

Bob Tanner tanner at
Wed Sep 16 10:47:28 BST 2009

Here is how I got everything to work.

I removed the's Mac Installer version (2.6.2 as of 
09/16/2009) this version looks to be build against 10.4's SDK and I 
could not figure out how to change it without a recompile.

Removing the above "exposed" snow leopard's native installed python 
2.6.1, in retrospect I could have just rearrange my $PATH.

The snow leopard python does calll the 10.6 SDK so I was good, from the 
library, header stand-point.

I used easy_install-2.6 to install pyrex

$ sudo easy_install-2.6 pyrex

The simply did a make in my directory.

$ cd path/to/bzr.bzr
$ make

All is working now, no warnings.

Bob Tanner <tanner at>                  | Phone : (952 943-8700, Linux, OSX, VMware | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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