List of required packages to get lp:bzr to make on OS X?

John Szakmeister john at
Wed Sep 16 02:14:54 BST 2009

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Bob Tanner <tanner at> wrote:
> Is there a list of required packages necessary to compile the .pyx things
> for lp:bzr? In particular for
> OS X?

You need to install Pyrex for the .pyx files... if you're working from
lp:bzr.  If you use a released version, then the step requireed to
convert them to .c files has already happened.

> By default it looks like it attempts to build ppc and i386 for 10.4? Or is
> this specific setting on my system?

This stuff is generally inherited from how Python itself was built.
On my laptop (which is using Snow Leopard), I see i386, ppc, and
x86_64.  It may be possible that you have an environment variable set
that's affecting this too (I forget the name...
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET, or something like that).

> Using the official python-2.6 installer for OS X I see many missing header
> files.

Did you install XCode and friends?  That installs many development
headers, including the Python-related ones.

> May assumptions about 8-bit type (Snow Leopard is 64-bit by default)

I'm not sure what you're asking here.

> Did not spend much time on this, if this is a bigger issue then me just not
> know what to do I'll open a bug report.

I think this is more limited... I'm definitely not seeing any issues.
Both my desktops (which are still Leopard, one ppc and one x86) and my
laptop are building fine.



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