Confused about versions ... 1.17, 1.18rc1, 2.0rc1
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at
Tue Sep 8 04:00:54 BST 2009
>>>>> "martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:
martin> 2009/9/7 Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>:
>>>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> writes:
>> >> We now have all the installers so it is just the announcement and
>> >> update on the web site that is lacking.
>> bialix> Martin, I think your experiment with delayed announce reveals
>> bialix> that it's bad idea. Old approach has its own cons but have enough
>> bialix> pros to continue use it. IMO of course.
>> Well, may be we can try a *second* time before throwing the idea
>> with the bath water ? ":-)
martin> It does make it more prone to being forgotten if you
martin> have to check back and/or chase up packagers, and
martin> then do the announcement several days later.
How about a fixed delay between the source release and the
announcement ?
7 days was enough to build the world in many legends, should be
enough for packagers, no ?
The intent with separating source release and announcement was to
have installers and packages ready when the announce is made. The
idea was to leave a short delay to packagers, but there is no
point in leaving them a delay more important than the average we
observed previously between announce and installers
So I'd say, let's start with a 7-days max delay and let's reduce
that as we automate installers and package building.
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