RFC: Home page design

Emma Jane Hogbin emma at hicktech.com
Mon Sep 7 14:19:53 BST 2009


Thank you for all of your excellent feedback on the two home page
designs, and as well to Eric for coming up with a third suggestion.
There was a lot of great feedback that I am now working into the first
version of the HTML home page. (Remember we're ONLY doing the home
page right now. Inner pages will look slightly different and will have
a much smaller banner.)

At this point, I need more help. Can you please send me screenshots of
Bazaar and its related plugins doing impressive things? Each
screenshot should be accompanied by a *very*terse* description of what
is in the screenshot. Please also let me know what version of Bazaar
and/or the plugin you are sending. This may not be displayed, but will
be used to tag images so that we know when to 'deprecate' images.

I need screenshots of GUIs for:
- Web
- Windows
- Linux

As well as any graphical tools and plugins for any OS. For example:
- Viz
- qlog

Examples of terse descriptions:
- Track changes on the Web using Loggerhead.
- Bazaar Explorer gives a graphical interface to version control on Windows.

Please upload the image to the Bazaar Wiki, Flickr (or equivalent) or
send me an attachment (any any of my email addresses, including this
one). Please note the screenshot may be used without alteration on the
home page of Bazaar. Please use the Bazaar project code base in your
screenshot instead of using one of your company's projects as all
content on the Bazaar Web site is copyright Canonical. In other words:
Please ONLY send screenshots whose contents you are permitted to
reassign to Canonical.



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