bzr-explorer - ubuntu desktop

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Sep 4 13:40:37 BST 2009

Algis Kabaila пишет:
> On Friday 04 September 2009 20:33:51 Gary van der Merwe wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Ian
>> Clatworthy<ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
>>> "bzr qbzr" launches an unsupported, experimental application. (The other
>>> 25-30 q* commands provided by the QBzr plugin are supported.) It's been
>>> superceded by bzr-explorer (and probably ought to be removed)
>> It has been renamed to qmain
> What is "It" in the above : QBzr, bzr-explorer? Please tell me, so I can 
> better understand what you are saying, and I thank you in advance for it.

"bzr qbzr" command now "bzr qmain", and this command no more masking 
help for QBzr plugin itself. You can run "bzr help plugins/qbzr" to get 
actual help on plugin.

>> , and bzr help qbzr has been updated to
>> include all qbzr commands :-)
> In which version of bzr has this change of help occurred?  If I had at least a 
> rough indication, I would know the earliest acceptable version number.

The change we talked above occurred in 0.14 release. But acceptable 
version of QBzr is depend on the actual version of bzr you have installed.

> Thanks for the info - every bit helps.
> OldAl.

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