bzr-explorer - ubuntu desktop

Algis Kabaila akabaila at
Fri Sep 4 13:34:13 BST 2009

On Friday 04 September 2009 20:33:51 Gary van der Merwe wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Ian
> Clatworthy<ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
> > "bzr qbzr" launches an unsupported, experimental application. (The other
> > 25-30 q* commands provided by the QBzr plugin are supported.) It's been
> > superceded by bzr-explorer (and probably ought to be removed)
> It has been renamed to qmain

What is "It" in the above : QBzr, bzr-explorer? Please tell me, so I can 
better understand what you are saying, and I thank you in advance for it.

> , and bzr help qbzr has been updated to
> include all qbzr commands :-)

In which version of bzr has this change of help occurred?  If I had at least a 
rough indication, I would know the earliest acceptable version number.

Thanks for the info - every bit helps.


Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng)

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