[RFC] Take the all-in-one windows installer out of bzr core

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Fri Sep 4 08:59:57 BST 2009

Martin Pool wrote:

> It would be nice to have one definition of 'standard plugins' across
> all platforms, even if that's implemented in very different ways.

Yes, I've been wondering about that. I don't have an answer just yet.

> This sentence worries me a bit.  We will still be shipping every
> month, and making installers, we'll just be labeling them differently.
>   Won't we?

To clarify, I meant "shipping production releases" every month. For
example, if someone invents a mega cool plugin in the next month and we
want to include it in a production release of the Windows all-in-one
installer in 3 months say, then we ought to be able to do that without
waiting for the next 6 month production release. I guess it could go in
2.0.1 as a "bug fix" but it's not really one of those.

The example above is a bit extreme, though possible. More realistic
stuff is better documentation (e.g. adding a Desktop User Guide) and/or
more localisations. Upgraded plugins are another likely thing.

Ian C.

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