RFC: Home page design

Maritza Mendez martitzam at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 16:14:51 BST 2009

As a member of your audience but not a bzr developer I think this nay
be a false comparison.  Design 1 is informative and looks highly
maintainable.  Design 2 is beautiful but maybe not so easy to
maintain.  Maybe that's the feedback you're really seeking?


On 9/1/09, Emma Jane Hogbin <emma at hicktech.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> The wireframes have come back from the designer and are ready for your
> feedback. For lack of inspiration I will refer to them as Design 1 and
> Design 2. The first is essentially the same as the initial wireframes.
> The second is a modification of the initial wireframes and includes
> one new element in the banner.
> Design 1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmajane/3877149393/
> Design 2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmajane/3877149251/
> I have a favourite. It's probably not the one you think it is. ;)
> -- Design 1 --
> This design carries all of the same features from the initial
> wireframe. There is one major difference: the links from the four
> panels have been reduced to a single action button.
> -- Design 2 --
> This design incorporates a javascript carousel in the header which
> will allow the visitor to cycle through some of the main interfaces
> available for Bazaar. The global footer has been altered to put each
> of the panes into the "main content" area. Please note: this design
> uses 'dummy' text.
> -- Requested Feedback --
> We have until the end of day Wednesday to ask the graphic designer for
> additional changes. After that I can make minor changes in CSS/HTML
> land. If you have time in the next 24 hours it would be fantastic to
> get feedback on
> (from top to bottom):
> 1. Utility navigation (the very top strip): do you prefer Design 1 or Design
> 2?
> 2. Banner carousel: necessary or not needed?
> 3. Entry points: 4 panes (Design 1) or 3 panes (Design 2)?
> 4. Additional praise?
> 5. Additional concerns?
> Thank you for your feedback. My apologies for the tight time line!
> regards,
> emma

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