RFC: Home page design

John Szakmeister john at szakmeister.net
Tue Sep 1 15:56:28 BST 2009

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Emma Jane Hogbin<emma at hicktech.com> wrote:
> 1. Utility navigation (the very top strip): do you prefer Design 1 or Design 2?

Design 2, because of the search.

> 2. Banner carousel: necessary or not needed?

It's neat... although I probably wouldn't think to cycle through it myself.

> 3. Entry points: 4 panes (Design 1) or 3 panes (Design 2)?

I like Design 1 better, but I think that's mostly because I don't like
that part of Design 2.  To me, it almost looks like the same content
repeated.  At a glance, it feels like Design 1 has something more it
want to tell me... but that may be because it actually does (since it
has some real content). :-)

> 4. Additional praise?

I like the footer of Design 1, you should really keep that.


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