Case sensitivity

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Mon Aug 31 09:28:06 BST 2009

This is known problem with bzr on Windows and it still has no solution.

Larry Drews пишет:
> I am a novice user of bzr using bzr 1.16.1.  I am doing development work on 
> a bunch of files from a StarTeam repository.  I want to use bzr to keep 
> track of my local changes and history.
> However, I am running into a problem with filename case sensitivity.  The 
> filenames from StarTeam are not uniform, their case usage is all over the 
> map.  I have ended up with two files in the bzr repository that differ only 
> in case usage.
> How can I manage this situation with bzr?  Is there some configuration 
> setting that will cause bzr to ignore and preserve case usage?  How can I 
> repair the bzr repository so that itemmain.pas and ITEMMAIN.PAS share the 
> same history?
> I have already done some google searches on the subject but have no joy.
> Thanks in advance for any advice.
> Regards,
> Larry Drews
> TheSoftwareRonin

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