Case sensitivity
talden at
Mon Aug 31 13:05:45 BST 2009
Here I am being a top-posting sheep...
It's important to understand (and I'm sure Alexander understands this
point) that this is not so much a bug, as a design decision. It is
also not an unusual limitation of VCS software either (CVS,
Subversion, ...) - and AFAIK a universal limitation for any VCS
intended for platform interoperability. It might be worth looking to
see if a bug has been filed (and hopefully noted as an enhancement) to
see what other dialogue exists on the topic.
Consider that enhancing Bazaar for this is non-trivial. It will
complicate the interpretation of historical revisions (and I expect
commit meta-data would be needed to differentiate new revisions from
old) and face issues reverting correctly to an earlier tree.
Additionally, this enhancement would introduce a case-related
evil-twin problem for case-sensitive file-systems attempting to work
with repositories that expect case-insensitivity - at the least this
would complicate the UI.
Personally, though I'm a Windows encumbered developer (Heavy
Encumbered, half-speed), I think it would be better for these tools to
stick with case-sensitive file-system as it dramatically simplifies
implementation and only rarely do applications on case-insensitive
file-systems change the case of files without user intervention - far
better that those few applications are compelled to be fixed.
2009/8/31 Alexander Belchenko <bialix at>:
> This is known problem with bzr on Windows and it still has no solution.
> Larry Drews пишет:
>> I am a novice user of bzr using bzr 1.16.1. I am doing development work
>> on a bunch of files from a StarTeam repository. I want to use bzr to keep
>> track of my local changes and history.
>> However, I am running into a problem with filename case sensitivity. The
>> filenames from StarTeam are not uniform, their case usage is all over the
>> map. I have ended up with two files in the bzr repository that differ only
>> in case usage.
>> How can I manage this situation with bzr? Is there some configuration
>> setting that will cause bzr to ignore and preserve case usage? How can I
>> repair the bzr repository so that itemmain.pas and ITEMMAIN.PAS share the
>> same history?
>> I have already done some google searches on the subject but have no joy.
>> Thanks in advance for any advice.
>> Regards,
>> Larry Drews
>> TheSoftwareRonin
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