metronome mail for Bazaar 2.0 and 1.18

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Aug 28 08:34:52 BST 2009

2009/8/15 Martin Pool <mbp at>:
> key dates: 1.18 final 17 August; 2.0b1 or rc1 4 September.
> It's all about this page, and coloring it green:

That page is now looking pretty good.

As explained in other threads about bug work, Robert and I reviewed
the 2.0 bugs and either cleared off those that are not necessary, or
marked the necessary ones critical.

We have 4 bugs still open that are blocking 2.0:

402645 and 419241, related, and assigned to John.  I see he put up a
patch for one part of these, then put up and then withdrew a second. that insert_stream
doesn't check dependencies is assigned to spiv and he's working on it
today, and expects it may be up for review Monday. is the only one not
started yet, and is to do with making sure fetch doesn't cause
fragmentation of brisbane-core groups.  It shouldn't be huge but it's
not shallow and will take some amount of knowledge of how
groupcompress works internally.  Robert says he will look at it
Monday, if no one does before, and it may take a few days.

I think we should do a 2.0rc2 on Monday to checkpoint what has landed
since rc1, and then another when 402652 is done, which will hopefully
be the final one.

For the general community, I'd say that testing of 2.0rc1, especially
testing of 2a upgrades, are highly useful, as is helping other people
test with user support or by triaging bugs.  And there are plenty of
bugs tagged 'easy'
<> where
mentoring is available.  Documentation reviews are also good, in

In Karmic we currently have 1.18-0ubuntu1 and we still have to bring
the key plugins up to date with 2.0, and the beta freeze is September.

Martin <>

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