Fix committer name ?

Xavier Maillard xma at
Tue May 26 21:23:01 BST 2009

At Tue, 26 May 2009 15:08:29 +0900,
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Andrew Cowie writes:
>  > On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 12:48 +0200, Xavier MAILLARD wrote:
>  > > I need to read about rebase.
>  > 
>  > [as I understand it:]
>  > 
>  > Rebasing creates new [completely new] revisions with content similar to
>  > the set it is replacing.
> This is correct, except that the content is *identical*.  So if Xavier
> merges his rebased branch with the old head *immediately*, he should
> get zero conflicts.  I wonder if this might not be a solution for
> Xavier:
> 1. create a copy branch
> 2. rebase the original
> 3. merge *from* the copy into the (rebased) original
> 4. have downstream merge as usual

Maybe I am too stupid but I tried that:

1. bzr branch (to get a copy)
2. bzr rebase
=> No revisions to rebase

I am not sure I understand all of this after all.

Plus, bzr-rebase is not very clear (no examples) of what and how
things should be done.


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