Fix committer name ?

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Tue May 26 08:44:49 BST 2009

Andrew Cowie wrote:

> I *DO* wish we had a way to commit changes to metadata; then we could
> clean up these things.

Me too. It might be nice to design and implement this as part of the 3.0
UI push. I'm thinking of something like:

  bzr correct --committer foo --author bar --message "blah blah blah"

We don't want to mutate the *original* data so we'll need to store these
off to the side in a "corrections" file and work out some sensible way
of merging them. Would we want conflict resolution to be automagic or
user-controllable (

It would be easy to extend log (and any command that uses the log API)
to show corrections in place of the original data. Would that be
sufficient for most users?

Ian C.

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