Patching from backups

Robert Collins robert.collins at
Thu May 14 08:31:18 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 08:18 +0100, Russel Winder wrote:

> 1.  2 inconsistent parents is very worrying, parents really need to be
> consistent.  Any idea how I get the parents in line?

bzr reconcile.

> 2.  I suspect this means I have files in the repository that should not
> be there, does pack get rid of them or is there no garbage collection
> from this sort of disaster?

If you do 'bzr pack' bzr will setup the repo to have one pack and
matching named rix/iix/tix/cix/six files. Then you can look in packs and
see any excess ones - they will all be smaller/dated differently. You
could also get the pack name by doing bzr
dump-btree .bzr/repository/pack-names.

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