Patching from backups

Russel Winder russel.winder at
Thu May 14 08:18:20 BST 2009

Due to Mac OS X being case insensitive by default and apparently
processing UTF-8 filenames differently to Ubuntu, and me blithely
Unisoning between Ubuntu and Mac OS X and not being careful enough, I
had to retrieve various files from backup into a live Bazaar shared
repository.  The messages I got were like:

bzr: ERROR: No such file: u'/home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/.bzr/repository/indices/4b4e77d011fc92f00303ea63409b6d5f.rix': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/.bzr/repository/indices/4b4e77d011fc92f00303ea63409b6d5f.rix'

bzr: ERROR: No such file: u'/home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/.bzr/repository/packs/b725507cd7eff6e51e898da4030eb7cc.pack': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/.bzr/repository/packs/b725507cd7eff6e51e898da4030eb7cc.pack'

I "fixed" this by copying the files from backup to the live tree.  This
seems to have cured the problem in that check now doesn't fail:

        |> bzr check
        Checking working tree at 'file:///home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/Trunk_Development/'.
        Checking repository at 'file:///home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/'.
        checked repository <bzrlib.transport.local.LocalTransport url=file:///home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/> format <RepositoryFormatKnitPack6RichRoot>             
           858 revisions
           400 file-ids
          2309 unique file texts
        124440 repeated file texts
             0 unreferenced text versions
             2 inconsistent parents
        Checking branch at 'file:///home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/Trunk_Development/'.
        checked branch file:///home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Masters/Gant/Trunk_Development/ format Branch format 6

Two questions:

1.  2 inconsistent parents is very worrying, parents really need to be
consistent.  Any idea how I get the parents in line?

2.  I suspect this means I have files in the repository that should not
be there, does pack get rid of them or is there no garbage collection
from this sort of disaster?

Moral of story:  Apple hardware is beautiful, Mac OS X sucks.

Dr Russel Winder                 Partner

Concertant LLP          t: +44 20 7585 2200, +44 20 7193 9203
41 Buckmaster Road,     f: +44 8700 516 084    voip:  sip:russel.winder at
London SW11 1EN, UK.    m: +44 7770 465 077    xmpp: russel at
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