[MERGE] Patch: smtp_connection.py

Amit Saha amitsaha.in at gmail.com
Wed May 6 16:52:39 BST 2009

Hello Vincent,

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr> wrote:
>>>>>> "Amit" == Amit Saha <amitsaha.in at gmail.com> writes:
>    Amit> Hello,
>    Amit> Feature added:
>    Amit> When 'smtplib' is used for commit emails, the 'smtp_connection.py'
>    Amit> reads the SMTP configuration from the bazaar configuration file. This
>    Amit> basically forces the user to store the email password in
>    Amit> 'smtp_password' in plain text. This might be undesirable for many
>    Amit> users, like me. The current patch to the code removes that necessity
>    Amit> and if the smtp_password field is left blank, then it automatically
>    Amit> prompts for the password after the commit is done. The password is
>    Amit> masked.
> If you don't specify stmp_username/smtp_password in the
> configuration file, smtp_connection._authenticate() will try to
> find them in authentication.conf.
> If you don't want to specify your password there *but* specify
> your user name, bzr will prompt you for the password.

This is what I did:


  4  email = Amit Saha <Amit.Saha at foo.com>
  5  post_commit_mailer=smtplib
  6  smtp_server=mail.foobar.com:25
  7  smtp_username=
  8  smtp_password=


smtp_username= amitsaha

However, I get the authentication error and it doesn't ask for the
password. Is that what you asked you to try out? or, am I doing
something wrong?


> If *that* doesn't work, file a bug and *then* send us a patch
> that fixes it :)
>   Vincent

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