[MERGE] Patch: smtp_connection.py

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Wed May 6 17:05:48 BST 2009

>>>>> "Amit" == Amit Saha <amitsaha.in at gmail.com> writes:


    Amit> This is what I did:

    Amit> #bazaar.conf

    Amit> [DEFAULT]
    Amit>   2
    Amit>   3
    Amit>   4  email = Amit Saha <Amit.Saha at foo.com>
    Amit>   5  post_commit_mailer=smtplib
    Amit>   6  smtp_server=mail.foobar.com:25
    Amit>   7  smtp_username=
    Amit>   8  smtp_password=

Delete the lines related to smtp_username and smtp_password.

    Amit> #authentication.conf

    Amit> smtp_username= amitsaha
    Amit> smtp_password=

Totally wrong syntax (see
didn't bzr warn you about it ?

You should use something like:


    Amit> However, I get the authentication error

Which one ?

    Amit> and it doesn't ask for the password. Is that what you
    Amit> asked you to try out?

Yes, except for the authentication.conf file content.


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