New 1.14 RC date?

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Thu Apr 2 03:15:38 BST 2009

Talden <talden at> writes:

> If a specific problem requires you to go to a development format
> (and they're clearly marked as such) for a solution then surely the
> interpretation is that a production quality solution to that problem
> isn't yet available *but it's coming*.

Yes, and “it's coming” necessarily means “not here yet”, and I
would have no complaint if the not-here-yet code was *actually* not
here yet, i.e. not in an official release.

 \      “I guess we were all guilty, in a way. We all shot him, we all |
  `\   skinned him, and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that |
_o__)                         said, ‘I helped skin Bob.’” —Jack Handey |
Ben Finney

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