New 1.14 RC date?

Talden talden at
Thu Apr 2 03:31:40 BST 2009

>> If a specific problem requires you to go to a development format
>> (and they're clearly marked as such) for a solution then surely the
>> interpretation is that a production quality solution to that problem
>> isn't yet available *but it's coming*.
> Yes, and “it's coming” necessarily means “not here yet”, and I
> would have no complaint if the not-here-yet code was *actually* not
> here yet, i.e. not in an official release.

Then as I've said, to offer the same 'coming soon' visibility, we
would need to have installers somewhat regularly built for if
that's the only way to access those features.

I understand that you'd like not to offer a user a hand-grenade when
they're expecting an apple but Bazaar really does need a way of
getting exposure of 'not yet final' content -- the feedback from this
exposure is invaluable and it comes from users that aren't able to run with all the extensions built and standard plug-in
dependencies sorted.


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