Q: help for bzr on windows?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Mar 25 10:10:12 GMT 2009

Maritza Mendez пишет:
> I have used bzr on linux and would like to start using on windows also.  
> I have some problems.  If this is not the best place to ask please tell me.
> My biggest problem is my coworkers need graphical version trees.  The 
> graph-ancestry command from the bzr-tools is not working for me.  I have 
> graphviz (latest for Windows) installed and I always get something like 
> this:
> C:\>bzr graph-ancestry cosa.html
> bzr: ERROR: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is 
> being used by another process: 
> 'c:\\docume~1\\martitza\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpzbup3y\\temp.dot'

Try bzr qlog. I guess this will satisfy your needs even without graphviz.

> The other problem is my coworkers are going to need a graphical 
> interface.  Earlier versions (six months ago?) of tortoisebzr more or 
> less worked for me but I did not try very hard.  Now I have installed 
> the latest 1.13-1 bzr installer for windows, the overlays don't even 
> show.  I rebooted twice.  Also windows explorer is *very* slow now.  So 
> I believe the shell integration is working, but the overlays are not 
> showing..  We might be able to tolerate the slow speed if the overlays 
> worked.  Or maybe its slow because the overlays are not working.  The 
> tortoise overlays are installed according to the windows add+remove 
> programs.

Go to the directory where bzr has installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\Bazaar)
and run tbzrcachew.exe program. If it fails with error -- you can show
this error or file bug report, and hopefully someone can help here.

As another alternatives you can use `bzr qbzr` command. It's very limited GUI,
and have some issues though.

> I really want to use bzr and solutions to these questions will make it 
> easier to help my coworkers.
> Gracias!

Many commands have GUI interface via QBzr plugin, and this plugin shipped
with standalone installer. If you can teach your coworkers how to run
q-commands from command line, it may satisfy many requirements IMO.

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