[qbzr] [RFC] new option in bazaar.conf to specify language for GUI?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Feb 17 20:38:55 GMT 2009

>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:

    bialix> John Arbash Meinel пишет:
    >> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
    >>> Hi developers of GUI front-ends for bzr,
    >>> I'd like to post this RFC because we have related bug report[1] in QBzr,
    >>> when user need to use another language settings for UI, different from
    >>> system settings.
    >> If I remember the bug correctly, the issue is that the user has set
    >> their LANG to something for some programs, but then wants to *undo*
    >> their LANG setting elsewhere.

    bialix> Your description is incorrect.

I think John is right.

I also think you're right :-)

You are both talking about ways to modify the language used for
displaying UI. In the Unix word it's mostly based on LANG or LC_*

In Windows and OSX it's done via some gadget in the UI.

Since you use qt, which should obey the settings of the running
OS, may be, just may be, setting the right LC_ or LANG
environment variable may just work under windows.

Or you may just use the same variables to implement what you're
after for windows (qbzr should already respect these variables
under linux).


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