[qbzr] [RFC] new option in bazaar.conf to specify language for GUI?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Feb 17 21:40:20 GMT 2009

Vincent Ladeuil пишет:
>>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:
>     bialix> John Arbash Meinel пишет:
>     >> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>     >>> Hi developers of GUI front-ends for bzr,
>     >>> 
>     >>> I'd like to post this RFC because we have related bug report[1] in QBzr,
>     >>> when user need to use another language settings for UI, different from
>     >>> system settings.
>     >> 
>     >> If I remember the bug correctly, the issue is that the user has set
>     >> their LANG to something for some programs, but then wants to *undo*
>     >> their LANG setting elsewhere.
>     bialix> Your description is incorrect.
> I think John is right.
> I also think you're right :-)
> You are both talking about ways to modify the language used for
> displaying UI. In the Unix word it's mostly based on LANG or LC_*
> variables.
> In Windows and OSX it's done via some gadget in the UI.
> Since you use qt, which should obey the settings of the running
> OS, may be, just may be, setting the right LC_ or LANG
> environment variable may just work under windows.
> Or you may just use the same variables to implement what you're
> after for windows (qbzr should already respect these variables
> under linux).

It seems my lack of English words provide very bad impression here.
I understand.
Let's pretend I never send this RFC at all.

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