ppa 1.11 updates
Wouter van Heyst
larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Tue Feb 3 21:30:01 GMT 2009
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 07:14:38PM +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> I've got 1.11 in the ppa, but not all the plugins:
> * bzr-svn, I'm not sure yet which one jelmer thinks we should package
> * bzr-gtk there's no update
> * bzrtools, still needs uploads of 1.11.0; dapper only is updated so far
> I'm travelling tomorrow to meet with beuno; if nobody else updates
> this first I'll do them when I arrive.
As Russ Brown noted in another thread, bzrtools hasn't been uploaded
yet (Jelmer just victoriously uploaded bzr-svn 0.5 :). I started reading
doc/developers/ppa.txt and checked out the lp:~bzr/bzrtools/packaging-<distro>
branches to have a go at uploading to the ppa.
In doing so some questions arose. Are these branches supposed to be
seperately maintained, or should they share changes (and what about the
Debian packagin?). All the branches have the original Debian Uploaders:
header, the dapper package has Robert as maintainer and a
XSBC-Original-Maintainer header, the rest still have
pkg-bazaar-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org as Maintainer.
Wouter van Heyst
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