looms: compatibility, performance, alternatives?

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 23:28:49 GMT 2009

On 8 Jan 2009, at 16:57, Jonathan Lange wrote:
>> - Suppose a fellow developer does not have the bzr-loom plugin  
>> installed.
>> When they get the branch, do they get all patches by default? Which  
>> thread
>> are their commits assigned to?  Can I configure this?  I would want  
>> them to
>> commit to the top thread (downstream, level 1).
> No they don't. They wouldn't be able to commit directly to the loom  
> at all.

OK, sounds like looms are not meant to be used in collaboration.   
That's a knock-out criterion for me.

>> - What are the alternatives to using loom?
> Lots of branches, carefully managed :)

Sounds a bit painful, but perhaps it's not.
One would have a single downstream trunk, and then a branch for each  
feature.  You switch to the branch for feature development, and commit  
to the trunk when ready.  The branch should record everything up to  
the commit.

-->  Downstream-branch
              --> patchset-1-branch
              --> patchset-2-branch

Could the changes in the branch also be pushed to or pulled into the  
upstream project?
I.e. Can I push patchset-2-branch into Upstream-trunk, regardless of  
 From the user guide, I take it that one would simply do "merge  
patchset-2-branch", from within the Upstream-trunk - right?

Or is this a case for "rebasing" patchset-1-branch from Downstream- 
branch to Upstream-trunk?

Sorry, this is probably very much a beginner's question.

> There might be others.

The low-tech solution would be to add some info to the relevant  
commits, storing (in a retrievable form) which feature each commit  
belongs to.  But I don't think that this would be the "bazaar way".     
Might as well stick with CVS and .patch files.

Thanks for your help
- D
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