looms: compatibility, performance, alternatives?
Jonathan Lange
jml at mumak.net
Thu Jan 8 21:57:19 GMT 2009
Hash: SHA1
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 6:39 AM, David Reitter wrote:
> For the past 4 years or so, I've been working on a project that sits
> downstream for a bigger one. I'm considering moving my project to Bazaar
> (from CVS), as will the upstream project. I would like my changes to be
> organized so that they can easily be propagated upstream. Thus, I'd like
> to track several threads of development (patchsets) in order to be able to
> push upstream (or see pulled) some of the changes. For example, our stack
> of patches may look like this (in reality we have some 30 separate patches):
> 1 - proj-specific / downstream
> 2 - patch-C
> 3 - patch-B
> 4 - patch-A
> 5 - upstream
> I understand that the bzr-loom plugin is the right thing to use. I have a
> few beginner's questions:
I'm not a loom expert, I just use it a lot. My answers here might be
corrected later by others more knowledgable.
> - Suppose a fellow developer does not have the bzr-loom plugin installed.
> When they get the branch, do they get all patches by default? Which thread
> are their commits assigned to? Can I configure this? I would want them to
> commit to the top thread (downstream, level 1).
No they don't. They wouldn't be able to commit directly to the loom at all.
> - Does using the bzr-loom plugin have negative performance consequences,
> particularly on common operations such as branching/checking out,
> committing, pushing, merging, and "bzr log"?
Not that I've noticed.
> - Suppose the upstream project does not use bzr-looms: I presume I can still
> merge from it and push single threads to it without problems. Correct?
You can export each thread of a loom into its own branch using the
'bzr export-loom' command. From there, you can merge and push it to
> - What are the alternatives to using loom?
Lots of branches, carefully managed :)
There might be others.
> Note that it is a requirement for us to be able to provide simple access to
> the complete project code, that is, at level 1.
Then you might want some hook that exports the thread as a separate
branch on commit. Maybe.
Hope this helps,
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