[MERGE][#299313] --local commits are accessing the network

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 20:49:19 GMT 2008

2008/12/2 John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com>

> Hash: SHA1
> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> > I didn't follow closely how we end up changing the default
> > behavior of branch.nick *but* please take into account that it
> > 'breaks' the test suite when run in a bound branch.
> >
> > One of the reasons is that some tests use 'bzr --version' as a
> > 'do very little' command and, when the bound branch requires some
> > password (like any ssh one does)... selftest prompts and hangs..
> >
> > I use an ssh agent but the test suite (rightly) reset the
> >
> > bzr selftest -s
> bb.test_selftest.TestRunBzrSubprocess.test_run_bzr_subprocess
> >
> > is one such test.
> That certainly sounds like a test case that needs a bit more isolation
> from the outside world.
> I also ran into problems with this in my "show the nick of the current
> branch" script I run to generate my command prompt. Suddenly just doing
> "cd bzr.dev" would take 5s+ to show the prompt because it was connecting
> and probing for the nickname of http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev
> I hacked around it in my script, to detect if there was an explicit
> local nick and if not, just use "<notlocal>".
> I suppose when Branch.get_nick(local=False) becomes officially
> available, I can switch to that.
> In the end, I probably have to reverse my opinion that using the nick of
> the master is better than using the local nick. There is a lot more
> overhead to grab the remote value, and 'nick' seems like something that
> should be trivially fast to compute.

let me know if/when you guys decided. Then I can work on it.
Originally I had switch set the nick, can we go back to that then?
(and also remove/depreciate the parameters from  Branch._get_nick())

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