Bazaar 1.9 rc1-3 Windows installers
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Thu Nov 6 14:17:24 GMT 2008
Hash: SHA1
Enrique Ramirez wrote:
> Thanks for uploading a new version of the installer.
> This time around, qbzr works pretty well. I found it odd though that
> going into tbzr settings and then clicking on General Bazaar Options
> seems to open a small window that immediately goes invisible, then
> nothing happens. I'm guessing this might be an issue with qbzr itself
> and not with the installer, but I mention it just in case.
> I'm also having problems with the icon overlays not showing, I'm using
> Windows Server 2003. Is TortoiseOverlays required for tbzr? If so,
> should I reinstall it after installing this bzr setup, or should it
> not matter?
Well, I have to supply the path to TortoiseOverlays...msi as part of the
build process, otherwise the build fails. So it *should* be bundled as
part of the install.
I see check that the env var is set, and then I see this in the
installer script:
> [Files]
> ; Tortoise files - these are at the top as we use 'ExtractTemporaryFile' on
> ; the TortoiseOverlays MSI, and inno documents such files should be at the
> ; start for best performance.
> ; [[[cog
> ; if "TBZR" in os.environ: # we need a more formal way of controlling this...
> ; tovmsi = os.environ["TORTOISE_OVERLAYS_MSI_WIN32"] # point at TortoiseOverlays .msi
> ; cog.outl('Source: "%s"; Flags: dontcopy ignoreversion ; Components: tortoise' % tovmsi)
> ; cog.outl('Source: "tbzrcache.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: tortoise')
However, when I look at that, I don't see anything saying "run this as
an installer", versus the next line which clearly says where the file
should be installed to. It may be that .iss knows how to install
something that ends in '.msi' anyway.
Something does seem wrong, though, and it may be that it isn't actually
getting installed. You could try installing manually and see if that
fixes anything.
I'm also going to try some things here, and I'll see what happens.
> // --------------------------------------
> Enrique Ramirez Irizarry
> Lead Developer
> Indie Code Labs
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