Bazaar 1.9 rc1-3 Windows installers

Enrique Ramirez enriquein at
Thu Nov 6 13:12:24 GMT 2008

Thanks for uploading a new version of the installer.

This time around, qbzr works pretty well. I found it odd though that
going into tbzr settings and then clicking on General Bazaar Options
seems to open a small window that immediately goes invisible, then
nothing happens. I'm guessing this might be an issue with qbzr itself
and not with the installer, but I mention it just in case.

I'm also having problems with the icon overlays not showing, I'm using
Windows Server 2003. Is TortoiseOverlays required for tbzr? If so,
should I reinstall it after installing this bzr setup, or should it
not matter?

// --------------------------------------
Enrique Ramirez Irizarry
Lead Developer
Indie Code Labs

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 6:54 PM, John Arbash Meinel
<john.meinel at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Now that we've had round 2, time for round 3. This one fixes:
> 1) For some reason the QtGui4.dll was incompletely copied before. My
> best guess is a ^C at just the right time, and a build process that
> didn't notice it was out of date.
> 2) Revamped build process. I now have a single script which wipes and
> creates a new in-progress dir, downloads all of the plugins I need,
> grabs the exact tag version, installs it all into the in-progress
> directory, and builds the installer.
> This should lead to more reliable builds in the future.
> 3) The exact 0.9.5 release of qbzr, and the new 1.9.1 release of bzrtools.
> 4) I've confirmed that qbzr commands load locally, and that 'bzr log
> svn/branch' also works. (I also checked that 'bzr qlog svn/branch' shows
> reasonable info.)
> I also tested using paramiko as the transport, though for some reason
> 'svn+ssh' uses a different connection. (doing bzr log bzr+ssh doesn't
> require my password, but doing "bzr log svn+ssh" does.)
> Anyway, I'm fairly confident in this build, and I'd love for people to
> give it a shot.
> John
> =:->
> PS> The icon overlays aren't working for me, but I don't know if that is
> just my machine, or if that is a general problem. So feedback here would
> be appreciated.
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Following the first round of feedback, I've created another all-in-one
>> installer, which should be uploading now. It is
>> "bzr-setup-1.9rc1-2.exe". In this installer, I should have fixed:
>> 1) paramiko not being installed. (It turns out that setuptool's egg
>> files are not compatible with py2exe, so you have to use "easy_install
>> -Z paramiko".)
>> 2) libsvn_client-1.dll not being found. It seems that our current build
>> process does not find and copy these files into the installer. So I went
>> ahead and did it manually, but this is something we will need to fix in
>> a more permanent manner.
>> 3) pyenchant is now also installed, which I believe adds spell-checking
>> to qbzr (such as qcommit).
>> 4) Someone mentioned missing the option to install CA certificates. I
>> think this is because I'm not bundling pycurl in the 1.9 installer. So
>> it would be nice if people could try the new installer with https://
>> urls, just to make sure our https support still works as expected.
>> Thanks to those who gave feedback already on the installer (John Whitley
>> Eugene Wee, and Martin Pool specifically), and I look forward to the
>> next round.
>> John
>> =:->
>> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> We have finally created another all-in-one Windows installer, which is
>>> now available to download from:
>>> We would appreciate people testing this installer (bzr-setup-1.9rc1.exe)
>>>  as it is the first time we have built the installer on the new shared
>>> host. This should make future releases much easier to build, as putting
>>> together the setup for the all-in-one installer actually requires many
>>> preparation steps. (Windows dependencies are not a simple 'apt-get' away.)
>>> There has been one report that the installer starts to give errors until
>>> the user reboots the machine. If possible, we would rather not require a
>>> reboot. So if people could test, and report if a reboot was/wasn't
>>> necessary, it would be very appreciated.
>>> Thanks for your assistance,
>>> John
>>> =:->
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