Bzr plugins *must* die!

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Sep 24 03:11:54 BST 2008

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Erik de Castro Lopo
<erikd+bzr at> wrote:

> But, but, .... Bzr on Hardy *told* me to run 'bzr upgrade' and
> bitched until I did.

Yes, that's probably true - there is no format that both the version
shipped in dapper and the version from hardy will be totally happy

Some things we could do:

- easiest for us, just advise people in this situation to use the
version from the ppa
- add a configuration option to say "stop warning about old formats"
- get a package for dapper into a more official place than our own
ppa, such as dapper-updates -- this requires making a case for a large
new code drop into what's supposed to be a very stable distro

I think the other thing is to address the desynchronization between
bzrtools and bzr.  We should probably be packaging bzrtools every time
we do bzr, including into the nightly.  I would also question whether
bzrtools insisting on being totally in sync is really wise.  I think
folks like erik might rather have it sometimes break or give warnings
than having it always be uninstallable.

The issue of pppas instantly discarding old packages may now be fixed
I think.  I did open a bug and push for that to be done.

> I personally would rather see the "release bzr" process include packaging of
> plugins to put into the ppa, rather than combining it into the source tarball.

OK, let's start doing that.

Martin <>

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