how to prevent bzr+ssh from asking a password each time I commit a change?

Andrew Cowie andrew at
Tue Sep 9 22:28:57 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 16:59 +0200, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> But I don't think trying to do it for ssh is a good
> idea. Password handling is highly sensitive,

Indeed. This is a major security weakness on Subversion's part - it is
another set of code paths that needs to be audited to the same level as
(say) OpenSSH. And that's an enormous risk factor.

[I mean, heck, there is a significant camp of people who argue that you
shouldn't even use an agent to cache your credentials. That's a matter
of pragmatism, and also points out that security is about more than just
code, but I sure as hell trust `ssh-agent` more than I do Subversion.]

No, this is something best delegated to the appropriate packages
provided by the OS. I'm glad that Bazaar is (like in so many other
things) better and correct. One gets tired of hearing "oh, well,
Subversion does it, so you have to too". No you don't have to be like
Subversion. You have to be like Bazaar - a cracking good DVCS.


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