how to prevent bzr+ssh from asking a password each time I commit achange?

raindog at raindog at
Tue Sep 9 05:44:50 BST 2008

You can set up a key with pageant which comes with putty for win32
------Original Message------
From: Rahul Nabar
To: bazaar at
Sent: Sep 8, 2008 8:56 PM
Subject: how to prevent bzr+ssh from asking a password each time I commit achange?

While using bzr+ssh: it asks me for a password each time I commit to
my repo kept on a remote system. This gets annoying when I am adding
and commiting several small config files. Is it possible to change
this behavior by only pushing changes to the remote server at
intervals and only then ask for a password?

I am aware that any changes within this interval of time would be lost
were something disastrous to happen on this system but that is a
reasonable tradeoff for me.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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