cleaned up bzr web interface pages on wiki

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sun Jul 27 18:16:54 BST 2008

Am Sonntag, den 27.07.2008, 12:19 -0400 schrieb Benjamin D. Rister:
> I just did some cleanup around the wiki on web interfaces to bzr to  
> unify the information and remove broken links/out-of-date info.   
> Depending on which page you were looking at, there were several  
> different lists of possibilities, with the various info structured  
> differently.
> Everything should now point to WebInterface, which now has the union  
> of the information found around elsewhere on the wiki.  Note that this  
> was just a restructuring/reformatting of everything, not an audit for  
> exhaustiveness or anything like that.  So if you're involved in any  
> software in this category, it'd be great if you could make sure that  
> your entry in WebInterface is present and correct.

> <>
Thanks for adding a single place for reading about bzr web interfaces.

I've reverted your removal of the TracBzr page. There are several links
on the web still pointing at it; also, the new page no longer lists the
example instances.


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> -
Jabber: jelmer at
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