cleaned up bzr web interface pages on wiki

Benjamin D. Rister bdr at
Sun Jul 27 17:19:35 BST 2008

I just did some cleanup around the wiki on web interfaces to bzr to  
unify the information and remove broken links/out-of-date info.   
Depending on which page you were looking at, there were several  
different lists of possibilities, with the various info structured  

Everything should now point to WebInterface, which now has the union  
of the information found around elsewhere on the wiki.  Note that this  
was just a restructuring/reformatting of everything, not an audit for  
exhaustiveness or anything like that.  So if you're involved in any  
software in this category, it'd be great if you could make sure that  
your entry in WebInterface is present and correct.



Benjamin D. Rister
Decimus Software, Inc.

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