question on : "Team collaboration, distributed style" workflow

Daniel Watkins daniel at
Sun Jul 27 17:35:16 BST 2008

Hi Nico,

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008 18:07:24 +0200
nico <nbd at> wrote:
> bzr init-repo myrtille-repo
> cd myrtille-repo/
> bzr branch
> bzr+ssh://
> bzr branch myrtille-0.5.15 myrtille-fix-252329-makefile cd
> myrtille-fix-252329-makefile
> Then I modify my code in branch myrtille-fix-252329-makefile.
> After code modification, then I do not know  what to do in the
> process .
> I need to make a commit ? before merging in the mirror branch ?
You do need to commit.  Until you commit, bzr isn't aware that you
actually want to record the changes you have made, so it won't try and
transmit this information when you, for example, merge.

> cd myrtille-0.5.15
> bzr pull
> bzr merge ../myrtille-fix-252329-makefile
> (resolve any conflicts)
> bzr commit -m "Fixed bug #252329"
> bzr push
> If i don't make a commit before the merge. The merge do nothing.
> And if i do the commit in my feature branch, then a commit in the
> mainline branch. it's look like I due twice the same type of commit.
> I think i due something wrong in my process, but not yet undestand
> why.
This can be confusing initially.  Merges aren't automatically
committed, because there may be conflicts between the source branch and
the target branch which need to be resolved.  This is also the reason
for having a separate commit for the merge, so that every changed line
of code belongs to a specific revision.

It might make more sense if you consider the case where you have done
more than a single commit on the branch you are merging from, so the
merge commit message won't necessarily be identical to that of the tip
of the branch you are merging from.

Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)
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