[MERGE] Remove the temporary elisp file created for attachments by EmacsMail.
Ian Clatworthy
ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Mon Jun 30 05:55:59 BST 2008
Christophe TROESTLER wrote:
> Hi,
> Following the recent discussion about "bzr send", I decided to give it
> a try. I encountered the following problems.
> 1) My mailer is "Mew", an Emacs package, and "bzr help send" did not
> mention that one can use mail_client=emacsclient in
> ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf in order to use the default Emacs client.
> 2) The method _prepare_send_function in EmacsMail did not have a
> mew-user-agent case. It also failed because not all mail packages
> define the function mail-text.
> 3) The command arguments for emacsclient did not properly escape the
> "To" and "Subject" fields when they were containing double quotes.
> 4) The temporary elisp file was not removed (as noted in a FIXME in
> the function _prepare_send_function).
> The attached bundle (created with "bzr send http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev/
> --mail-to=bazaar at lists.canonical.com") corrects all 4 problems above.
I was hoping someone else would come forward and review this but
that hasn't happened so I'll try to keep this moving as best I can.
I'm happy with the changes for 1, 3 and 4 above but my elisp skills
aren't up to reviewing 2. (It's been 20+ years since I last wrote
anything like elisp when I was hacking together some serious BRIEF
macros but that's another story!)
Can I ask for the following?
1. An Emacs user not using Mew to confirm the above still works for them?
2. A core developer using Emacs (hi Vincent :-) ) to review it?
Ian C.
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