[WILDCAT/MERGE] make wildcat work with bzr 1.5

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Tue May 27 05:55:11 BST 2008


I became frustrated with the windows guis (some of my co-workers insist on
using guis, if we are to use bzr in future).
I tried to get olive-gtk to crash less on vista, without much luck (it seems
the gtk/threading code causes a lot of crashes).
So I gave wilcat a try (It also crashed way too often, but it turns out that
it was just some bzr api changes.)
It needs some more features, but has the potential to be our best gui for
(other than tortoiseBzr, which I'm not sure when we'll get a usable version)

Please find attached a bundle which is needed to make wildcat-bzr work on
bzr 1.5
(it also includes my previous patch which:
> Changes bzr-wx.py to have unix line endings
> so that it can be runned as ./bzr-wx.py on linux

btw. I found another locking issue which I had to fix for it to work in

theres anoher serious issue seeking attention for bzr1.6:
linegraph.py uses repository.get_revision_graph() which has been depricated
and been deleted, without the customary 6 months deprication period.
I'm a bit miffed about this, as it makes life difficult for developers who
pluggins and 3rd-party tools (especially non-fulltime ones who only
gets time to work on stuff like this every 6 months).
Anyways, we need a way around it, hopefully there was a good technical
why it could not be deprecated for 6 months.

Does wildcat have its own mailing list?
Should I rather make another launchpad branch for my changes?
Can you please merge in the steps to create the wildcatbzr.exe?

Marius Kruger
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