[bzr-loom:MERGE] Show current thread in 'status' (fixes bug 232465)
Jonathan Lange
jml at mumak.net
Fri May 30 03:05:36 BST 2008
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Robert Collins
<robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-05-27 at 10:04 +1000, Jonathan Lange wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I hacked this one up over the weekend. This branch adds an overlay to
>> 'bzr status' that shows the current thread if you are looking at a
>> loom.
>> Output looks something like:
>> $ bzr st
>> Current thread: experiment-with-threads
>> M barlib/foo.py
>> This has already made my life with looms a lot easier.
>> The code I've added roughly parallels the existing code to overlay the
>> 'switch' command, and the test I've added is blackbox.
>> My biggest worry with the patch is that it slows down the performance
>> of status. I'd appreciate guidance on how to minimize this slowdown.
> I think, like pending merges, this should come after the tree status,
> not before.
> So:
> tree status
> pending merges
> loom status
> It would be good to also indicate if the loom has pending changes, but
> that can be built up later.
> In init, please group the command decoration together (no 2 line VWS,
> this is PEP-8 blessed).
It took me a while to parse this. Done.
> + """Show the status of the working tree, including the current
> thread."""
> How about:
> """Show status for a loom."""
> Your argument list to status is wrong - you only accept file_list, so
> the others should not be there. (hmm, I'm guessing that the base
> run_argv_aliases is passing all registered options in; if thats so, then
> can I bother you to open a bug on bzr that we need to make this more
> flexible to make command decoration more robust).
Accepting just file_list appears to work.
The real issue is that using a plugin to extend an existing command is
tricksy and underdocumented. I can file a bug along those lines if it
would help.
> + if file_list is None:
> + directory = '.'
> + else:
> + directory = file_list[0]
> + (loom, path) = bzrlib.branch.Branch.open_containing(directory)
> + branch.require_loom_branch(loom)
> + loom.lock_read()
> + try:
> + print 'Current thread: %s' % loom.nick
> + finally:
> + loom.unlock()
> You call the path 'directory', but it may be a path (e.g. bzr status
> README). Also, as you don't use path, doing:
> loom, _ = bzrlib.branch.Branch.open_containing(path)
> would make that more clear.
> + def run_argv_aliases(self, argv, alias_argv=None):
> I suggest:
> """Decorate bzr's cmd_status to show status for looms as well."""
> I would like to see a total of three tests for status:
> - status on a non-loom does not error
> - status on a loom with 1 thread
> - status on a loom with 2 threads, showing the output change after
> switching threads.
Thanks for the review. I've attached an updated bundle and a diff of
the changes I've made in reply to your review.
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