Transport error: Server refuses to fullfil the request

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Wed May 14 07:54:36 BST 2008

Andrew Bennetts <andrew at> writes:

>  - [Hypothesis:] the bzr-svn plugin is trying a WebDAV request that
>  the server is rejecting.

Poor, benighted 'bzr-svn'. It seems that plugin gets blamed for a
majority of my Bazaar troubles, even when (as in this case) there's no
indication that any Subversion branches are involved.

>    If so, “bzr --no-plugins branch http://...” should work.

$ bzr --no-plugins branch
Working tree format 3 is deprecated and a better format is available.
It is recommended that you upgrade by running the command
  bzr upgrade
bzr: ERROR: Transport error: Server refuses to fullfil the request

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