authentication.conf question

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon May 12 17:55:49 BST 2008

>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:


    john> I believe in 1.5 we will warn/error if you try to
    john> supply a password for an ssh connection, rather than
    john> just silently ignoring it.

Not 1.5, but I'm working on bug #203186.

    john> Vila: certainly when parsing the file, we could see
    john> "bzr+ssh" and let the user know that they should be
    john> using something else?

Nice suggestion, I'll add that for bzr+ssh and sftp.

I now realize that indeed the #203186 bug report is about an
authentication section using an 'sftp' scheme instead of an 'ssh'


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