Fwd: [Question #31819]: how to uninstall Bazaar on Mac Os X

Adam Mercer ramercer at gmail.com
Wed May 7 16:55:25 BST 2008

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Russel Winder
<russel.winder at concertant.com> wrote:

>  I can see a couple of people chipped in.  The only thing I can say is
>  that for Mac OS X I am using Macports rather than the installer.  This
>  is currently at 1.3.1:

I updated to bzr-1.4 and bzrtools-1.4.0 yesterday.

>  I guess the main problem here is no bzr-svn.

I've never had any success building the subversion python bindings
with the required patches, and as subversion 1.5.0 is going to be out
soon I haven't been spending much time on bzr-svn.

>  The current maintainer has marked the package as being in need of
>  another maintainer -- not necessarily a replacement but the advert is
>  there that more support is needed.

No I haven't, openmaintainer means that I don't mind other commiters
updating the ports.



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