[MERGE] More deprecations...

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Mar 27 21:15:22 GMT 2008

On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 13:35 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 16:45 +1100, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> > Firstly, _make_breadth_first_searcher is not private; its just not
> > public. We took the stance some time ago that within bzrlib _ is
> > advisory for *external users*, not for internal.
> Look, I don't remember us taking that stance, and it seems overly
> Microsoftian to be using sekret APIs.  If we need the API, someone else
> will, too.

Clearly not everything is either stable or internal to a class. We dont
have any way to annotate this today; despite long threads about it. I'm
really not interested in another: *my* understanding is that anything
within bzrlib can use any other thing unless the method explicitly says
in its docstring 'do not use this'. I think this is unsatisfactory and
leads to confusion - and look, it is. This is I think the third time in
as many months that this has come up. (I'm not annoyed with you here
Aaron; just expressing frustration that we are here suffering the
compromise of a known-incomplete solution).

The current stance is expressed in HACKING:
Functions, methods or members that are "private" to bzrlib are given
a leading underscore prefix.  Names without a leading underscore are
public not just across modules but to programmers using bzrlib as an
API. As a consequence, a leading underscore is appropriate for names
exposed across modules but that are not to be exposed to bzrlib API
(I read 'bzrlib API programmers' as 'folk writing plugins or using
bzrlib in their own projects').

> > My overall goal here is to get to a VersionedFiles api which is tunable
> > to perform well, and doesn't have cruft on it.
> That's admirable, but you still haven't responded to my last email about
> the namespace issue.

We seemed to be at an impasse; I don't think you had more to say, and
neither did I.

> > To do this regardless of conversion approach, we have to stop using the
> > old methods that are on 'VersionedFile'. We can do this a number of
> > ways: we can leave a thunk permanently in place, we can use external
> > functions, we can do basic macro expansion at each current site, or we
> > can fix the code up properly.
> Aren't you leaving out the option of using an API that delivers
> effectively the same data?
> AIUI dict(Graph.iter_ancestry(head)) is essentially the same as
> get_revision_graph(head).

not at all its still basically macro expanding what used to be a single
function call. Note too that 'dict(a_graph.iter_ancestry(head))' is
about the same as the code I used up to the map() call; the filtering
beyond that to remove NULL_REVISION and ghost parents (both of which are
included by the graphs returned from repository.get_graph) is needed for
the behaviour of the places I put it in, and is what makes the
duplication quite visible.

Also, the idiom I used is faster than iter_ancestry, because it does
less calls into generators (and we should stop doing full history!). 

That said I'm happy to change these to seed the parent_map with
dict(..iter_ancestry...) instead; but I don't think it makes the smell
go away.


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