[MERGE] More deprecations...

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Thu Mar 27 21:45:43 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 13:35 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> Look, I don't remember us taking that stance, and it seems overly
>> Microsoftian to be using sekret APIs.  If we need the API, someone else
>> will, too.
> Clearly not everything is either stable or internal to a class.

Maybe not everything is either stable or internal, but almost everything
*should* be.  It should be a bad smell to use an underscore-prefixed
name outside its module or derived classes.

Look at what happened with _iter_changes.  It was supposed to be
private, but when I made it public, I found a bunch of plugins had been
using it anyhow.

>>> My overall goal here is to get to a VersionedFiles api which is tunable
>>> to perform well, and doesn't have cruft on it.
>> That's admirable, but you still haven't responded to my last email about
>> the namespace issue.
> We seemed to be at an impasse; I don't think you had more to say, and
> neither did I.

I asked a question:
>> > The tuple based keys we've agreed to use are easily (no api changes
>> > related to keys) extended to use a datatype key prefix.
> I don't understand what you mean.  AFAICT, a unified keyspace would
> require a new API.  How could it be otherwise?

It wasn't rhetorical.  I would really like to understand why you think
it would be easy to go from your tuple keys to a unified keyspace.  I
certainly lean toward a unified keyspace, but I'm not rejecting your
arguments, just wanting clarification.

> Also, the idiom I used is faster than iter_ancestry, because it does
> less calls into generators (and we should stop doing full history!). 

Okay, if your way's better we should do it that way.  But without the
code duplication, please.

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