Emacs Bazaar repository

Lennart Borgman (gmail) lennart.borgman at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 14:29:27 GMT 2008

Matthieu Moy wrote:
> "Lennart Borgman (gmail)" <lennart.borgman at gmail.com> writes:
>>>  If Mercurial had the ability to truly support multiple branches in
>>> the same folder (with out requiring me to merge all branches before I
>>> can pull - pull works only if there is a single tip/branch), I would
>>> have preferred it mainly because it just needs PYTHON and nothing else
>>> (GIT needs PERL and SHELL).
>> How did they do that? It needs both perl and sh? Is there really any
>> perl programmer who writes code that way?
> The core git is in C, and designed to be used in scripts.
> Then, UI commands have usually been prototyped in shell-script, but
> there's an ongoing effort to re-write them in C (mostly because
> shell-scripts sucks when it comes to robustness and portability).
> Some commands have been written in perl instead of C or shell,
> probably because they have been written by people who like perl.

Thanks Matthieu, for the explanation. My point was also that perl is far 
more portable then sh (beside beeing more powerful as a scripting language).

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